Monday, October 31, 2011

Harvest Fairy--Pigg#2

So I decided Pigg#2 was going to be a fairy this year because I wanted to make a tutu for her.  I let them watch Tinkerbell just so she'd know what she was.  But even then, half the time she calls herself a Butterfly.  Ehh.  No biggie.  She's still cute.  And I already had this brown crushed knit stuff I bought as a remnant a long time ago, so she got to be a harvest fairy.  I pretty much followed the tutorials on Make it and Love it.  I only deviated a bit. 
 I wanted her leotard to have sleeves.  Luckily a friend had just given me a leotard so I used that to trace out the shape for this instead of a swimming suit.  I didn't actually set in sleeves, it's just cut in the shape of sleeves with seams on the top and bottom.  Does that make sense?  Probably not.
 I didn't feel like making wings myself so I picked some up at the dollar store.  I was so lucky they had orange because I had already made the tutu when I went to buy the wings.  She was sold on the costume once she saw the wings.  So was Pigg#1.  He slyly tried to tell me he had changed his mind and maybe he could be a boy fairy after all.  Sorry.  No last minute costume changes for me.  You poo-pooed the idea in the beginning so you'll have to wait for next year.
 Here are the older Piggs showing their costumes before our church Halloween party.
 They even hugged nicely.  They were that excited.
 Pigg#1 came up with this pose.
 And all three of the Piggs together.  Those wings are already beat up from pushing through crowds of children.  That's what you get for a buck.
Pigg#3's was definitely my favorite.  I'm just tickled with the little cape that snaps to his onesie.  You can go look at it here.

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