Monday, August 29, 2011

Baby Shower Gift: Ric Rac Blanket

I love the crocheted edges that many people put on these flannel baby blankets.  Both Pigg#1 and Pigg#2 have ones with beautiful edges that they really like.  But I didn't make them--family did.  And unfortunately, I don't think I'll ever be able to make one because I can't ever seem to finish a crochet project.  Plus, they look like complicated stitches.

But I love how those edges make the blanket look complete.  And walking through a store one day I saw jumbo Ric Rac and decided to use that on the edge of the blanket to give it a bit more finish.
I thought I was being very creative and coming up with a completely new idea.   And then after I have it away at a shower I saw a tutorial for using Ric Rac to edge a blanket in the archives of a different blog.  Can't remember which one now.
But I really did think it up on my own, even if someone else thought it up before I did.  I still like the idea and will probably use it on a lot more blankets in the future.

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